photo_login = 'Sign in';
photo_login_disabled = 'Your account has been disabled. Please contact the administrator.';
photo_login_failed = 'Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.';
photo_login_hint = 'Please enter your username and password to sign in.';
photo_login_not_found = 'The account you entered does not exist.';
photo_logout = 'Sign out';
photo_password = 'Password';
photo_permission_denied = 'You have no permission to access this album.';
photo_str_about = 'About';
photo_str_access = 'Photos';
photo_str_add_description = 'Add description.';
photo_str_add_success = 'User was successfully added.';
photo_str_add_title = 'Add title.';
photo_str_admin_area = 'Admin Area';
photo_str_album_update_success = 'Album access right was successfully updated.';
photo_str_all_album = 'All Non-Public Albums';
photo_str_alluser = 'All Users';
photo_str_ap_name = 'Synology Photo Station 3';
photo_str_back = 'Back';
photo_str_blog = 'Blog';
photo_str_boolNo = 'No';
photo_str_boolYes = 'Yes';
photo_str_btnApply = 'Apply';
photo_str_btnCancel = 'Cancel';
photo_str_btnClear = 'Clear';
photo_str_btnClose = 'Close';
photo_str_btnOK = 'OK';
photo_str_btn_add = 'Add >>';
photo_str_btn_del = '<< Remove';
photo_str_btn_send = 'Post';
photo_str_click_get_origin = 'Full Size';
photo_str_comment = 'Comments';
photo_str_comment_add = 'Add Comments';
photo_str_comment_email = 'E-mail';
photo_str_comment_email_err = 'Please enter a valid e-mail address.';
photo_str_comment_err = 'Please enter your comments.';
photo_str_comment_len_err = 'Comment allows up to 1000 characters';
photo_str_comment_magic_num = 'Enter the following verification number';
photo_str_comment_magic_num_err = 'Verification failed. Please try again.';
photo_str_comment_magic_num_len_err = 'Please enter the verification number.';
photo_str_comment_name = 'Name';
photo_str_comment_name_err = 'Please enter your name.';
photo_str_confirm_del = 'Are you sure you want to delete this user?';
photo_str_confirm_del_comment = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?';
photo_str_confirm_usr_pass = 'Failed to confirm password.';
photo_str_confirmpassword = 'Confirm Password:';
photo_str_continue = 'Continue';
photo_str_copy_flash_url = 'Copy Flash URL';
photo_str_copy_ok = 'Copy OK.';
photo_str_del_success = 'User was successfully deleted.';
photo_str_deleteuser = 'Delete';
photo_str_dir_info = 'Album Information';
photo_str_dir_name = 'Album Name';
photo_str_dir_total_pic = 'Total Pictures';
photo_str_dir_total_sub_dir = 'Total Sub-albums';
photo_str_dir_total_video = 'Total Videos';
photo_str_disable_inst = 'Disable this account';
photo_str_disk_full = 'There Is No Available Disk Space to Create Thumbnails';
photo_str_display_note = 'You have photos under the "photo" shared folder. {%1} is designed to display photo Albums organized in folders. Please re-arrange your photos into folders.';
photo_str_email_comment_body1 = 'Hello';
photo_str_email_comment_body2 = 'A visitor has left a comment for you.';
photo_str_email_comment_subject = 'You\'ve got a comment!';
photo_str_empty_dir = 'No Pictures in This Album';
photo_str_err_dbquery = 'Database error occurred.';
photo_str_err_dup_username = 'Username already exist';
photo_str_err_exceed_max_char = 'Description allows up to 1000 characters';
photo_str_err_nouser = 'No user was specified.';
photo_str_err_nousername = 'No username was entered.';
photo_str_error_cover = 'Failed to set the subfolder cover.';
photo_str_error_dir = 'Cannot Find the Specified Album (Note: This Album May Be Deleted or Removed)';
photo_str_failed = 'Failed to Complete';
photo_str_first_page = 'First';
photo_str_grant_album = 'Accessible Albums';
photo_str_grantuser = 'Users with Access Rights';
photo_str_help = 'Help';
photo_str_hits = 'Hits';
photo_str_home = 'Home';
photo_str_image_aperature = 'Aperture';
photo_str_image_camera = 'Camera';
photo_str_image_date = 'Image Date';
photo_str_image_exposure = 'Exposure';
photo_str_image_information = 'Image Information';
photo_str_image_iso = 'ISO';
photo_str_image_model = 'Camera Model';
photo_str_image_name = 'Image Title';
photo_str_image_resolution = 'Resolution';
photo_str_image_size = 'Image Size';
photo_str_image_type = 'Image Type';
photo_str_index_alt = 'Back to Index';
photo_str_indicator_checking = 'Checking...';
photo_str_indicator_complete = 'Completed:';
photo_str_indicator_msg = 'We Found New Pictures in This Album
Now Creating Thumbnails';
photo_str_indicator_total = 'Total:';
photo_str_information = 'Description';
photo_str_install_piclens = 'Click here to install Cooliris add-on.';
photo_str_invalid_username = 'Username is invalid or it contains invalid characters.';
photo_str_last_page = 'Last';
photo_str_loading = 'Loading...';
photo_str_log = 'Log';
photo_str_log_date_time = 'Time';
photo_str_log_del_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to clear the log?';
photo_str_log_del_success = 'Log was successfully deleted.';
photo_str_log_event = 'Action / Event';
photo_str_log_type = 'Type';
photo_str_log_user = 'User';
photo_str_login_inst_logged_in = 'Below are all the photo albums you have access to.';
photo_str_login_inst_no_public = 'There are no public photo albums available. Please {%1} to see private albums.';
photo_str_login_inst_not_found = 'There are no photo albums available.';
photo_str_login_inst_public = 'Below are public photo albums, please {%1} to see more photo albums.';
photo_str_management = 'Settings';
photo_str_my_acct = 'My Account';
photo_str_name = 'Description:';
photo_str_newuser = 'Create User';
photo_str_next = 'Next';
photo_str_next_page = 'Next';
photo_str_no_item = 'This is an empty folder.';
photo_str_no_subdir = 'No Subfolder in This Album';
photo_str_pagetitle = 'Page:';
photo_str_photo = 'Photos';
photo_str_photoalbum = 'Photo Album';
photo_str_photoalbum_access_permission = 'Access Permission';
photo_str_photoalbum_blog_slide_album_to_nonpublic = 'This photo album is played as slideshow in the blog. It will no longer be displayed if you untick this option. Are you sure you want to continue?';
photo_str_photoalbum_comment = 'Allow user comments';
photo_str_photoalbum_desc = 'Description';
photo_str_photoalbum_info = 'Information';
photo_str_photoalbum_orig = 'Allow users to view full size photo.';
photo_str_photoalbum_other_setting = 'Setting';
photo_str_photoalbum_public = 'Set as public';
photo_str_photoalbum_public2 = 'Public';
photo_str_photoalbum_title = 'Title';
photo_str_plz_wait = 'Please wait...';
photo_str_post_blog = 'Blog It';
photo_str_prev_page = 'Previous';
photo_str_preview_first = 'You are at the first image.';
photo_str_preview_last = 'You are at the last image.';
photo_str_previous = 'Previous';
photo_str_public_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to update the privacy?';
photo_str_refresh = 'Refresh';
photo_str_refuse_copy_msg = 'Browser refuses to copy.\nPlease try again after inputing "about:config" in browser url\nand changing the value of "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "true".';
photo_str_rotate_270 = 'Rotate -90°';
photo_str_rotate_90 = 'Rotate +90°';
photo_str_rotate_msg = 'Rotate Image May Take Few Minutes, Please Wait';
photo_str_rotating_msg = 'Now System is Rotating Image, Please Wait...';
photo_str_saving = 'Saving...';
photo_str_service_disabled = 'The service is disabled now.';
photo_str_setcover = 'Set as Album Cover';
photo_str_setcover_done = 'Successfully set album cover.';
photo_str_slideshow = 'Start Slideshow';
photo_str_slideshow_close_page = 'Close the window';
photo_str_slideshow_interval = 'Slide Interval:';
photo_str_slideshow_next_five = 'Next 5';
photo_str_slideshow_pause = 'Pause';
photo_str_slideshow_play = 'Play';
photo_str_slideshow_prev_five = 'Previous 5';
photo_str_slideshow_speed_fast = 'Fast';
photo_str_slideshow_speed_medium = 'Medium';
photo_str_slideshow_speed_slow = 'Slow';
photo_str_sort_order = 'Sort order';
photo_str_sort_order_asc = 'Ascending';
photo_str_sort_order_desc = 'Descending';
photo_str_sort_type = 'Sort by';
photo_str_sort_type_createtime = 'Date files created';
photo_str_sort_type_filename = 'Filename';
photo_str_sort_type_shottime = 'Date photos taken';
photo_str_sortbydate = 'Sort by Date';
photo_str_sortbyname = 'Sort by Name';
photo_str_sortbysize = 'Sort by Size';
photo_str_sortbytype = 'Sort by Type';
photo_str_stopslide = 'Stop Slideshow';
photo_str_success = 'Completed Successfully';
photo_str_system_busy = 'Now System Is Busy
There exists Some Processes Creating Thumbnails
Please Wait';
photo_str_thumbing_wait_msg = 'Creating thumbnails now. Please try again later.';
photo_str_up_alt = 'Back to up Level';
photo_str_update_success = 'User was successfully updated.';
photo_str_update_usr_pass = 'The password you have entered contains invalid characters, please enter a new one.';
photo_str_updatebtn_public = 'Update Privacy';
photo_str_updateuser = 'Update';
photo_str_user_disabled = 'Disabled';
photo_str_user_enabled = 'Enabled';
photo_str_user_lock_pass = 'Cannot change info';
photo_str_user_lock_pass_msg = 'You are not authorized to modify this account.';
photo_str_user_set_admin = 'Set as administrator';
photo_str_useraccount = 'User';
photo_str_useracct_removed = 'Your account has been deleted.';
photo_str_userlistID = 'ID';
photo_str_userlistIDAction = 'Action';
photo_str_userlistName = 'Description';
photo_str_userlistStatus = 'Status';
photo_str_userlistUserName = 'Username';
photo_str_usr_update_success = 'Your information was successfully updated.';
photo_str_video_abitrate = 'Audio bitrate';
photo_str_video_channel = 'Channels';
photo_str_video_duration = 'Duration';
photo_str_video_frequency = 'Audio sample rate';
photo_str_video_information = 'Video Information';
photo_str_video_preview_first = 'This is the first video clip.';
photo_str_video_preview_last = 'This is the last video clip.';
photo_str_video_resolution = 'Resolution';
photo_str_video_size = 'Video size';
photo_str_video_swf_url = 'Flash URL';
photo_str_video_title = 'Video Title';
photo_str_video_vbitrate = 'Video bitrate';
photo_str_welcome = 'Welcome';
photo_str_you_are_here = 'You Are Here:';
photo_username = 'Username';